COVID-19 Drugs: Materials for Clinical Research, Drug Development and TDM

  • > Reliable protocol for monitoring of these drugs in plasma/serum available*

COVID-19 Drug Candidates can be measured with MassTox Series A in serum/plasma by LC-MS/MS

Researchers are working furiously to test a variety of potential drugs to find a suitable treatment for COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. To support laboratories with this challenge, Chromsystems offers calibrator and control material of drug candidates, aimed at supporting your clinical research. We as assay manufacturer are aware of our duty to quickly supply material of highest quality. We ensure that the 3PLUS1® calibrator and MassCheck® controls are produced with a maximum of quality to support your efforts in the best possible way. 


Drugs 3PLUS1 Calibrator
Approximate range of level 1-3

QC Material 
        Approximate range          

GS 5734/Remdesivir


730 - 2130 

GS 441524 
(active metabolite of Remdesivir)
22-95 35 - 67
Lopinavir 390-6300 1070 - 4970
Ritonavir 95-6250 770 - 4940
Favipiravir 3291-10400 2680 - 7980
Chloroquine 18-450 110 - 350
Hydroxychloroquine 460-1150 470 - 940
Nafamostat 2-200 45 - 170 
Azithromycin 40-440 150 - 350


We also developed a test protocol to ensure that all analytes can be measured reliably with MassTox® TDM Series A*, our modular solution for the  therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of more than 200 drugs. Existing users can simply use the same chromatographic set up, sample prep and MasterColumn®. All you need are a few additional components from MassTox® TDM Series A as described in the application note here.


COVID-19 Drug Candidates can be measured with MassTox Series A in serum/plasma by LC-MS/MS


The chromatographic setup of MassTox® TDM Series A can be used to determine these drugs quickly and safely.


COVID-19 Drugs - Quality Controls:

Order No.   Product 
0268 MassCheck® COVID-19 Drugs Plasma Control Level I                 
0269 MassCheck® COVID-19 Drugs Plasma Control Level II                 

COVID-19 Drugs - Calibrator Material: 

Order No.  Product
92055 3PLUS1® Multilevel Plasma Calibrator Set COVID-19 Drugs         


In case you have any questions or need more information please contact us.