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Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation


Our Genomic DNA Isolation kits is supplied with dried E.coli and all the necessary prealiquoted components to isolate bacterial genomic DNA from the bacteria and use G-Biosicences Nucleic Acid Assay to...

Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation For 6 groups of 4-5 or 24-30 students. BE-317 Enquire for stock availability G Biosciences $365.00

Our Genomic DNA Isolation kits is supplied with dried E.coli and all the necessary prealiquoted components to isolate bacterial genomic DNA from the bacteria and use G-Biosicences Nucleic Acid Assay to determine the amount of DNA extracted. In addition, a class demonstration is include to demonstrate that the supplied dried bacteria are viable.

The following laboratory activity is adapted from “Laboratory 4h: DNA Extraction from Bacteria” from Biotechnology: Laboratory Manual by Ellyn Daugherty. 

Negatively charged DNA molecules are hydrophilic and dissolve well in watery solutions. On the other hand, charged DNA molecules are repelled by nonpolar solutions such as alcohol. Scientists exploit this characteristic, and use alcohol to isolate DNA by precipitating (separating) it out of solution. This kit uses alcohol precipitation and centrifugation to isolate DNA strands from other molecules found in cells.

Maybe you have experienced spooling DNA strands from prepared solutions. Alcohol precipitation and DNA spooling can be used to pull long strands of DNA out of a solution and wrap them around a glass rod. The tighter the strands are spooled around the rod, the more water is pushed out of the solution and the DNA around the rod goes from looking like goopy mucous to white strands. Pure, dry crystalline DNA is white.

In research labs, DNA spooling is not done. Instead, DNA isolation is done in micro test tubes using centrifugation and alcohol precipitation. In this activity, bacteria cells are broken open using a buffer containing a detergent and then a protease treatment. When the bacteria cells burst, they release DNA, and the detergent and protease initiate the breakdown of contaminant proteins. Heat and high salt washes denature more protein contaminants. Using a centrifuge, cellular waste is pelleted and discarded. The genomic DNA, floats in the supernatant above the waste and is pipetted off and precipitated into a clean pellet using alcohol and high-speed centrifugation. The pelleted DNA is dissolved in TE Buffer and stored at -20°C for later use. Samples of the purified genomic DNA may be studied using indicators or gel electrophoresis.

  • Demonstrate viable bacteria
  • Isolate genomic DNA from bacteria
  • Use an assay to determine the amount of DNA

Please refer to the Product Protocol for additional equipment needed.

Click here to download Product Protocol.